SNM186: If You’re Not In Charge Of Your Statistics You’ll Never Make Any Money

Having an online business is a long-term investment and you want your long-term investments to work. This is where statistics come in. They are an inextricable part of the financial stability of a business. 

What you need to do first, is understand where your money is coming from and that means spending a lot of time with your bookkeeper and analyzing the figures. You need to understand which of your projects are generating money and what are the market’s common trends. This is crucial because you want to direct your energy in the right place.

Using bookkeeping software and a time-tracking device for your employees’ working hours are additional ways of cutting down on expenditures and maintaining your run rate. 

These were the big picture numbers you probably knew already. But you need to go deeper. You need to understand where your audience is coming from, how a person finds you. It can be through one of your books, through your website, or at an event.

If your not in charge of your statistics, you'll never make any money. Take control of your business in today's episode of Serve No Master Podcast.


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