SNM234: Turning Photography From A Hobby Into A Full-Time Business with Robert Lowden

Welcome to the Serve No Master Podcast! This podcast is aimed at helping you find ways to create new revenue streams or make money online without dealing with an underpaid or underappreciated job. Our host is best-selling author, Jonathan Green.

Our guest today is Robert Lowdon, a commercial photographer specializing in editorial, industrial, landscape, and architectural photography with over 10 years of experience. He runs Robert Lowdon Photography, a full-service photography company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

In this episode, Robert discusses opportunities existing in photography for artistic people, highlighting how beginners can establish themselves as professionals and start to gain clients that are tailored to their niche in photography.  

Notable Quotes

–       “So much of photography is kind of honing the skills and the craft of it when you start out” – [Robert Lowdon]

–       “I think that that's one of the challenges; people think it's more about the gear than the skill” – [Jonathan Green]

–       “The more you specialize, the better a path it will make for you to get where you're going” – [Robert Lowdon]

–       “Go shoot the work before you have it” – [Robert Lowdon]

–       “Someone who's starting out; they can build a portfolio for the type of clients they want to get” – [Jonathan Green]

Connect with Robert Lowdon 

Robert’s Website:

Connect with Jonathan Green

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