SNM266: Live Where You Want with Susie Bills

Welcome to the Serve No Master Podcast! This podcast is aimed at helping you find ways to create new revenue streams or make money online without dealing with an underpaid or underappreciated job. Our host is best-selling author, Jonathan Green.

Today's guest is Susie Bills she is a nomadic traveler who, along with her husband, sold everything they owned in California 7 years ago to begin their nomadic journey. Despite most of their families thinking they were crazy for their decision, Susie believes people are scared to explore different lifestyles and are stuck in what's comfortable and familiar. With the help of the internet, Susie is inspiring others like her to pursue a different lifestyle and travel.

In this episode, Susie Bills discusses living life on your own terms. Susie shares how switching from an employee to a consultant immediately increases salary by 50 or 100 percent, and how raising prices attracts nicer clients. The benefits of living abroad are also discussed, including new digital nomad visas and the lower cost of living. Susie encourages listeners to pursue their goals, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zone. The episode also covers the challenges of pursuing entrepreneurship as a couple and working from home. Lastly, Susie emphasizes the importance of treating people well and supporting the local economy.

Notable Quotes

–       “We get really stuck in what's comfortable and familiar. And so it's scary to think a little bit outside the box.”- [Susie Bills]

–   “It's about kind of changing the perspective on how you look at what you do, and how other people would value it.” – [Susie Bills]

–  “It's very easy to help people even if you don't have a lot because you just give something.” – [Susie Bills]

–   “Finding Happiness: Life is short…we just wanna be happy.” – [Susie Bills]

–  ”here's so much opportunity when you broaden your horizons.”- [Jonathan Green]

–    “I want it to be around the kids all the time. That's why I work from home. That's why I have a lot of kids. You have to make this decision based on what's important to you, and then you can have it.” – [Jonathan Green]

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